Meet the Need Siouxland Inc., exists for the sole purpose of bringing awareness to Siouxland residents about the material needs of area non-profit humanitarian agencies with the goal of increasing targeted donations that will impact and improve the lives of Siouxland’s disadvantaged, displaced and disabled community members.
For years, we often found ourselves struggling with not knowing what non-profit agencies were within the SIouxland area as well as finding a place to donate new and used material goods. It was from this struggle that an idea was formed to develop a way for people to identify and find non-profit needs throughout the Siouxland area. It is our hope that through our work, we bring awareness to not only the needs of Siouxland, but also the impact that these non-profit agencies have on the Siouxland community
What We Do It
How We Do It
Why We Do It
We exist for the purpose of closing the gap between need and supply for humanitarian non-profit services in the Siouxland area. With a focus on consumable and non-consumable material goods, we do not directly participate in seeking financial contributions from or for any individuals or organizations.
We will bring increased public awareness to the specific material needs of local non-profit humanitarian agencies by consolidating those organizations and their needs onto one easily searchable website. Individuals will be able to search by organization or a specific product to find a donation recipient for material goods they have access to or the ability to provide
Our priority is that in whatever we endeavor, we pursue excellence to the glory of God by extending His love, grace, mercy and compassion to all those we reach through our efforts.
Our Team

Shelly Ackerman
For years I have wrestled with the frustration of not knowing where to make impactful donations of new and used material goods in Siouxland; and the more I talked to other people, the more I realized many had the same willingness and frustration. I finally decided that I should quit complaining and instead actually do something about it. As a result, I founded Meet the Need Siouxland, Inc. My hope and prayer is that this website is a blessing to both giver and receiver, by allowing us to more easily identify and meet the needs of local humanitarian agencies and the clients they serve. I look forward to growing and discovering new ways to help bridge the communication gap, allowing us to come together and impact the precious overlooked and underserved members of our community.

Erin Oliver
Vice President/Secretary
As a lifetime resident of Siouxland, I am excited to be apart of this organization because I see it adding value to so many other programs in our area. I believe that many people are willing and able to give in different fashions but need the guidance of where their goods are needed most. As a nonprofit management major at Morningside College, I have a passion for Siouxland and specifically organizations that are able to benefit so many people close to us in different ways. This outlet has the ability to connect individuals and large groups alike for their specific purpose and need. I am excited to be apart of this team and see what God has in store for this organization!